Why Christ Calls St. John the Apostle “Son of Thunder”

The Fiery Letters of St. John

St. John is well known as the “Disciple whom Jesus loves.” Despite his many beloved qualities, Christ gives the son of Zebedee a unique nickname – calling him the “Son of Thunder” (Mk. 3).  He knew that coupled with St. John’s loving nature was a fiery temperament.  The Letters of John reveal why this name is so fitting.  They were written at a time when the Church was experiencing a great crisis in faith led by outside attack against the Gospel.

John’s Letters are like exploding cannon balls.  Their words strengthen the faith of the Christian community to trust God and not to fall for the devilish traps set by the deceivers.

One thing was clear.  The assault on the Church would not go unanswered.

Not on a Son of Thunder’s watch.

John’s Letters Concisely Deal with Those Attacking the Church.

A significant problem attacking Christianity has arisen, placing Christ’s fellowship at risk.  St. John knows that he does not have much time to keep the faithful strong and united in Christ.  His Letters bring laser sharp focus to walking in faith, in the light of Christ; and in fellowship with each other as Christians.  These beliefs were deeply espoused by St. John throughout his life.  He testifies to the truth of Jesus the Son of God and profoundly directs the early Christians not to fall victim to the lies and actions of those trying to draw them away from God (1 John 2:20-23).

St. John restates the sacred teachings of Jesus – eternal life, truth in Him and love for one another.  His letters also warn of the perils of sin, lawlessness and falling victim to worldly pursuits.

The Second Letter of John issues a specific “this is the message” warning about the destiny of followers who fail to abide in Christ’s teachings.  He reminds them of all they have already suffered at spreading the truth of the Gospel, and God’s promises to those who wait for Him.

While hard to endure, a crisis can be a highly effective motivator.  The fiery Letters of St. John were clearly written at a very difficult time in the history of the Catholic Church.  His fast and concise response reveals the reason why Christ calls him a “Son of Thunder.”  St. John fearlessly gives strength to Christians facing challenges that get down to the same bedrock of issues we face today.  As the Body of Christ’s Church, we are the new fellowship of Christians, standing on the shoulders of the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints and suffering Christians who lived for Christ.

As Christians, we are witnessing hostility and new attacks on Catholicism from the secular world.  They attack not only Christ, but the Woman who all nations know is the Blessed Chosen of God, the Holy Virgin Mary.  From the highest levels of government, its ultimate aim is to dismantle our Judaeo-Christian identity and remove God’s presence wherever it can be seen or heard.

Here is the iconic depiction of the Blessed Virgin Mary fighting off evil trying to lead souls astray with heresy.

Catholics can invoke this little-known title of Blessed Virgin Mary: Exterminatrix of All Heresies.

The Blessed Mother of God is completely dedicated to our salvation. And like a loving mother, that means She will fight to protect us and her children.

Pope St. Piux X, in his 1904 encyclical Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum writes, “And thus it is justified to give the Virgin Mary the Name “Exterminatrix of All Heresies.” The Church attributes to the Virgin that she exterminates all heresies in the world.” (Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, 22).

Call on Blessed Mary, the “Exterminatrix of Heresy” to protect the Holy Church, converting all lost souls to God.

May God in his infinite love and mercy, raise more “Sons of Thunder” like St. John the Apostle and bless the courage of those willing to defend our Christian beliefs, holy icons and symbols and Churches where God our Father dwells.

Holy Mother of God, Pray for Us

Queen of Peace, Protect Us

Comforter of the Afflicted, Heal Us

Holy Virgin Most Powerful, Save Us

Holy Mary our Intercessor, Bring the Merits given to you By God into the World

We ask this of you dear Mother, through your Immaculate heart





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