Spark Creativity and Story with Diamond Painting

Hello Friends,

This month I discovered the creativity of diamond painting.

I am so happy to share the completed work!

The painting kit came with an easy to follow legend directing the layout arrangement for every color variant of bead.  Using a little wand and a dash of sticky wax, I carefully pressed tiny, sparkly beads inside a preset pattern.  Before selecting my image to create, I perused through all sorts of delightful scenes ranging from views of nature to spectacular floral arrangements.

I ordered the Victorian Lady painting.

Upon seeing the image of the lady revealing only her back, I knew right away it was the one to bring to life. I love her red gown and its delicate bows and pretty butterflies.  The scene was so interesting and a bit mysterious.  That’s why I chose it.  The picture is alive with story.  It’s as if the lady is standing at a bridge or porch looking out into the distance.   I love thinking about all the possibilities.  Maybe she is waiting for someone she loves to return home or has just said good-bye.  She is standing frozen in that moment.  Now she is thinking about her life and all that lies ahead.  Could she be at the start of a long journey abroad?  She is deep in thought.  Contemplating all that has led to this most needed time away.

Again, an endless number of story line possibilities.

We each have an opportunity to bring the world of story to life. Through our own unique creative lens, we can put something of ourselves into the story we weave. When we do, the fruit of our labor will inspire the world forever.

I didn’t realize how much I would enjoy this new way of painting a picture.  Working bit by bit or rather “bead by bead” all the elements came together beautifully.  There was no stopping once I completed the outline of the lady’s red dress. Following my own rhythm and timing, I let my hands and eyes guide the creative process to completion.  My family got involved too.  They helped locate any missed bead squares, wrong placements and gave helpful feedback about my work in progress.  At dinner we added new twists and turns to the lady’s mysterious story line.

Our seeker and story teller “self” will flourish all the more when we take time to create something…

An old wise sage once shared “busy hands bring rest to the mind…”

How true!

I thoroughly enjoyed this spark of creativity and the entire experience that came with it.

You can find your own diamond painting on Amazon.  Create and tell your own story about what you see happening in the picture…


P.S. here is a little video on the value of using our hands to fuel and nurture our creative thinking




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