It sure does feel like our questions for God are growing beyond measure. I’ve lost count. News headlines leave us wondering if we really are living in such times. And yet we know the answer – we are. It’s all true. New York Governor’s recent law passage is very real. Gripped by it, we watched in disbelief that it came with applause. Decisions like these make us look to God for answers. It can’t be explained. Recently a terrible fire in my neighborhood took the life of a child and grandmother. A small candle sparked this senseless tragedy. Looking into our own lives, perhaps uncertainty is taking space there too.
There has to be good news somewhere.
Sure there is. But often times it’s really hard to find. That part of us seeking to bring a thankful heart into our prayers has fallen on mute. We can’t seem to stop the world from snuffing away our grateful hearts. Given the present battles and worries, we have nothing BUT questions for our Creator. Yes, as Zora states, we are living in a time that’s asking only questions.
God, are you seeing all this? How can this be happening?
Where are You in all of this?
And just like King David’s relentless pursuit of answers – we too hear only God’s silence. I’ve come to understand that God often doesn’t work the way I would like.
Isaiah 55 gives us all a glimpse into how God perceives humanity:
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
God’s thoughts are not the same as ours. His ways are different than our ways. God is mystery itself. It’s His mystery that we can try to embrace first. Truly accepting that only He has both the short and long tail view of our lives. We cannot know when the year(s) bringing His answers to our deepest questions will come. They may not come for a very long time or perhaps sooner than we realize.
In my own journey, I’ve discovered that sometimes some of the questions I was asking God turned out not to be the right ones. In any circumstance I have discovered that there are always questions He is asking me. His are different than mine every time. Now I try to embrace God’s mystery before I pray my petitions and share all that is on my mind. Trying to search for Him first in every situation, looking for something He might be asking of me. I know that He has buried some part of His glorious mystery waiting for me to discover. I ask for the grace of understanding His will only to the extent He wants me to understand. And I share my desire and willingness to do the hard work in living the journey until that time comes with “answers” as Zora beautifully captures. And as I do, I ask God to remember that I am but a human being, capable of doing only what a human can. But promising to give Him my all. God wants our trust first. Always seeking Him in prayer.
So, in every circumstance keep praying without ceasing as St. Paul inspires us to. Dropping everything, all the worry and questions into God’s sovereign domain. Embracing His mystery first and trusting with all your being, that He is in control of both the good and the unspeakable. Believing that the years with answers will indeed come. Trusting Christ, remembering that He overcame the world and death itself by rising on the third day. It is during these most turbulent times when God wants us to remember most, all the times His grace and mercy carried us. Never despairing or losing hope in His love for us.
May we keep praying and trusting. Seeking and uncovering God’s questions. Embracing God’s mystery first. Knowing that He will make all things beautiful in His time.
And keep every promise.
Carol Moore | 14th Feb 19
Thanks for the food for thought.
Surely we are in a time filled with questions. I exhale and SMH almost daily at someone or something…
What was the law that you referred to having been passed in New York—I’m curious?
You are truly a woman of faith. My faith is a little fragile these days, so reading your words is a reminder of many things that were/are the foundation of my spiritual life.
“What a promise. Fear Not for I am with you Always, even unto the end of the Age.” I do believe that, as I accept that life as I imagine it, is not necessarily the way that it will unfold.
I think the thing that is most puzzling for me during this time is that there are “Christians” on both sides of our political struggle. How can we profess so many of the same things, yet see things so differently?
That is my biggest question.
Marie Granieri | 14th Feb 19
Dear Carol,
I am grateful for you – that in a world where time simply drops like water streaming from a faucet, you give a few minutes to read my thoughts on faith.
thank you so much.
though you may feel your faith is perhaps in a delicate place these days – it comes across quite strong and bold. all of your writing and pictures are so loving and inspirational. Without knowing you well, I thought to myself that God is very present in your life. Everything you share is so love filled. Remember that God is most tender and giving to hearts open and reaching for him – the more fragile we are – the more open we are to his purpose for us. I truly believe God gives special grace to those hearts willing and desiring to understand his will, sometimes struggling through life, living as best as we can to trust God as we all go through the challenges and joy that comes with each season.
Your question is so thought provoking. I took a bit of time to reflect on it too. For me – I believe in and always look for the goodness in all people. Yes, our world feels so divided with Christians on
every side. But in trying to understand how Christians can have a vastly different perspective – I can only turn to what the Lord said to understand. In the garden he prayed in thanks “for those given to him” by God. Those who know me hear my voice, says the Lord. I believe that there are souls in this world that do have a special grace that others do not have. The Lord said those who hear my voice follow me – those whom God gave him. hear him. But not everyone hears his voice. To do so, we must be willing to search for the Lord above all things, wealth, personal glory etc.But not every heart is willing Carol – their own views surpass all other views, including God. Unfortunately the law passed in new york was the legalization of late term abortion even after the child has been separated from the mother’s womb. So here too, some receive the act with applause while others voice their outrage at such an act. The world knows what the Biblical view is, but every person has to choose on their own given the free will God gives all of us. But even in the midst of what we face in the world today – I believe God is sovereign over the good and the bad – and so i pray for his mercy and grace every day – because there is so much goodness in this world despite what we read and hear on television. I just keep trusting in God and putting good things into the world as best as I can. God promises grace in return. And with my site I thought to try – and I see his grace through the new friendship with you 🙂
God bless you Carol – I hope I have shared thoughts that have enriched your faith – even in the tiniest of ways. God bless you. ~Marie