Blessed Mary’s Last Recorded Words in Scripture

Do Whatever He Tells You to Do

These are Mary’s last recorded words in Scripture. At the wedding feast at Cana, she is the first to notice that the wine has run out.  Rather than turn to the family, Mary brings the problem to her son, Jesus.

No one knows that Mary is working behind the scenes to ensure that the joy of the feast continues without interruption.

Blessed Mary knows that by drawing the love of her Son, she will, in essence, be letting Him go. If the miracle happens, Christ’s work to carry out the will of God begins.  The appointed hour Christ speaks of comes into their being.  The hour of his Crucifixion.  Old Simeon’s warning of the sorrow that would pierce her heart re-enters Mary’s mind.

Knowing this, Mary turns to the waiters and says “Do whatever He tells you to do.”

It is Mary who sets Christ’s work of redemption in motion.  In her “yes” to God, she turns over her Son to the will of God knowing that a humanity of hate will put Him to death.

In doing so, Mary becomes the Mother of every soul redeemed by the Savior.

Jesus responds stating “Woman, My hour has not yet come.”

There are many interpretations for what our Lord means.  Perhaps He was confirming that his public ministry was set to begin at another appointed time as many believe.

Could it be that Jesus was expressing his desire to preserve the precious time with his mother?

To be surrounded only by her love for as long as He could?

The waiters do as Mary asks.

With her faith in Him, Jesus performs the first miracle. The choice wine now pours for all the guests to enjoy.  Each jug capable of holding 150 gallons of wine.

Humanity is forever changed through this act in the fullness of divinity. The Son is no longer hidden in the totality of Mary’s love.

Jesus would call out to his Mother by the title “Woman” again, but on the Cross.

Do whatever Jesus tells you to do…

The Mother of God gives the world this one and only instruction…to do as her Son asks

And, it is the only message the beloved of God need.

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